Our Services
For many companies, electricity accounts for a large portion of their operating expenses. Solar energy for businesses will stabilize the rising cost of energy and offer a good rate of return. With multiple solar energy tax incentives and rebate programs, organizations can greatly reduce the upfront investment cost and realize an excellent financial rate of return.
At Soorya Unlimited, we have experience managing the complexities of solar energy incentives to maximize your solar energy financial benefit:
Differentiate your business with clean energy stewardship
It is becoming increasingly common for consumers to make buying decisions based on a company’s environmental policy. A recent study on consumer perception and purchasing behavior found that over 60% of consumers said that they prefer to purchase from environmentally responsible companies1.
In addition to being a good financial decision, solar energy for businesses supports corporate messaging and sustainability initiatives, provides a differentiator, can increase demand and help set a price premium for a company’s products and services.
At Soorya Unlimited, we provide our customers with marketing and public relations support to fully leverage their green energy stewardship in their marketing efforts.
Hedge against rising energy costs
A solar energy system can greatly reduce or even eliminate your company’s exposure to rising commercial electricity rates and unfavorable utility rate structures. Many utilities are implementing time of use (TOU) and tiered rate structures, which can be extremely costly if your business’s energy use is a significant portion of your overhead or your business or commercial building uses a good deal of electricity. You can cut business energy costs with solar energy whether you purchase the system outright or finance it. Investment in solar energy is equivalent to pre-paying for your electricity at a fraction of current utility rates and allows you to lock in a favorable electricity rate for many years to come.
Installing a solar energy system on your commercial building or site will allow you to turn your variable electricity costs into a fixed cost on your balance sheet and reduce your long-term operating expenses. Favorable tax treatment and depreciation schedule can reduce further improve your balance sheet.